All-natural, artisanal Shatta

Shatta is a traditional, naturally fermented chilli condiment from Palestine - it's fresh, tasty, and goes on just about anything.

Why haven't you heard of it?

Well that's why Fil is here; to spread Shatta to the world (no pun intended).

  • "Fil have changed the game

    The habanero shatta is an essential core ingredient in my kitchen now. I can’t imagine life without it!"

  • "Truly tastes like home

    It’s authentic, filled with flavour and a great addition to almost any meal!! My fridge has been stocked with Fil’s shatta since day one.”

  • "The perfect amount of spicy

    Unlike other hot sauces, it still has a great taste and goes perfectly with literally any meal. My go-to to spice up any meal!”